It has been awhile since I posted anything. B & I are still traveling and enjoying life--but recently, for several reasons, things have changed. We have always thought that this country was great, possibly greater than any other country in the world. It certainly is unique. But now it seems to be going through a fake transformation. Our so called government leaders--especially our new so called president--are painting a picture of fear and disaster, with a goal of controlling their own financial pockets. They are doing this by denying facts and by creating doubt in long established institutions. But most importantly they are in position to drastically change a critical branch of our government, the Supreme Court.
Unless we speak up and demand a change in their behavior, we will be, our children will be, and our grandchildren will be screwed.
I am sure that I am not alone in these thoughts.
The following is a letter that I am sending out to my representatives in Congress expressing my thoughts for constitutional amendment regarding the selection of Supreme Court justices.
February 7, 2017
“We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union” need to demand a change to our Constitution.
We need to change how justices to the Supreme Court are selected. Because Supreme Court justices serve for life, their selection affects not only our current lives, but also the lives of our children and grandchildren, far into the future. Recent events show how critical the choices are; important enough to cause one man, the Senate majority leader, to deny a sitting president. with ten month's remaining in his term, the right to have his nominee for a vacant Supreme Court seat to be even considered. This act was unconstitutional. The Senate’s constitutional role is to “advise and consent,” not to deny consideration as a politcal tool. All our senators should have been allowed to voice their choice on the nominee--which in turn would have allowed us our voice. What is to prevent a future majority leader to deny consideration of a Supreme Court nominee during the last twelve months of a President’s term.
To prevent this act from happening in the future, a constitutional amendment is needed to specify that when a Supreme Court seat becomes vacant, the President’s nominee shall receive an “advise and consent” vote by the full senate within a specified period of time, without a committee hearing being required.
Another idea for an amendment concerning the selection of Supreme Court justices would be to put the selection into the hands of the people in a special nation-wide election--just as was done for the selection of U.S. Senators by amendment XVII in 1913.
Nowhere in the constitution does it allow one representative in Congress the right to dictate his or her opinion over the Congress and the people of the United States. The Senate was established as the deliberative body of the Congress; for them not to openly deliberate such an extremely important decision is a violation of their oath of office.
Antonio Tavares
Hebron, New Hampshire